Chairman of Wealth-Tech Committee and Convenor of Investment Committee
Albert Yip

Chairman of Wealth-Tech Committee and Convenor of Investment Committee


Albert Yip is the Chairman of Syndicate Capital and has been appointed as the Chief Strategy Officer at BOA International Financial Group in Jan 2020. Mr. Yip has over 30 years of banking and financial services experience leading strategic planning, corporate finance, internal audit, operations, risks management, compliance and regulatory functions in multi-national corporations.

During the past three decades, Mr. Yip was appointed as CEO, CFO, CAE and other C-Suite positions across Asia Pacific and the United States by Fortune 500 leaders in the banking and financial sectors. Mr. Yip was the Senior Vice President and Asia Pacific Regional Head of Corporate Audit at State Street Corporation (the world’s largest custodian bank responsible for USD 33.3 trillion of global assets). Mr. Yip was also the Asia Head of Audit Services at Manulife Financial (ranked #1 in best corporate governance financial institution in Canada). He served other senior management roles in Bitex, Online Credit and Westpac Bank.

Mr. Yip holds the MSc (Information System), and earned FCPA (Aust.), CRMA, FCMA and Forensic CPA designations. Among his public duties in professional bodies, he currently serves as the Chairman of Wealth-Tech Committee and Conventor of Investment Committee at IFTA, promoting the development and investment in fintech. Mr. Yip is also appointed to the Task Forces of Banking & Finance of United Nations ESCAP, responsible for ESG investing, fintech development and responsible banking. Previously, Mr. Yip was the Governor and Chairman of Professional Development Committee of the Institute of Internal Auditors Hong Kong (2016-2019) and the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee of CPA Australia (2015-2018).

For community services, Mr. Yip is the first honouree in Asia to receive the WACE Award for his achievement and contribution to university students’ career developments on a global basis. Currently, Mr. Yip serves as the Charter President of Lions Club of HK IFC and Honorary Strategy Director of iCare. In 2019, he was awarded with the Medal of Honour (MH) by Peru Government for his important contribution to the trade and cultural exchange between Peru and China.

葉仕偉先生 (Albert) 為聯企融資集團 (Syndicate Capital)主席,並於2020年1月獲委任為亞銀國際金融集團(BOA International Financial Group)首席策略官。Albert擁有超過30年銀行及金融服務經驗,曾於多間知名跨國集團的企業財務、內部審計、營運、風險管理、合規及監管等部門擔任領導工作。

過去30年,Albert先後於亞太地區及美國多間「財富500」銀行及金融機構擔任行政總裁、財務總監及審計總監等主要職位。Albert曾於世界最大的託管銀行—美國道富集團(State Street Corporation)出任高級副總裁兼亞太區企業審計總監,管理全球33.3萬億美元資産,亦曾任加拿大最佳企業管治排名第一的銀行及金融機構)—宏利金融(Manulife Financial)的亞洲區審計總監,並於Bitex、Online Credit及Westpac Bank等企業擔任過高級管理職務。

Albert擁有資訊系統理學碩士學位,並獲得FCPA(澳洲)、CRMA、FCMA及CPA等專業資格。他擔任過多個專業團體公職,包括亞洲金融科技師學會(IFTA) 財富科技委員會主席兼投資委員會召集人,負責金融科技方面的發展及投資,並獲委任為聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會銀行及金融專責委員,負責ESG投資、金融科技發展以及負責任銀行業務等。此前,Albert曾擔任國際內部審計師協會香港區總監兼專業發展委員會主席(2016-2019),以及澳洲會計師公會金融服務委員會主席(2015-2018)。

在社區服務方面,Albert憑藉在全球大學生就業發展方面的成就和貢獻,成為第一位獲得WACE Award榮譽的亞洲人。Albert亦是香港國金獅子會創會會長及iCare名譽策略總監。2019年,秘魯政府向Albert授予榮譽勳章,以表揚他在促進中國與秘魯之間的貿易及文化交流作出的重大貢獻。