Era of IP Convergence: Maximising Benefits of Cross-media Collaboration

In recent years, IP has become a hot topic. Mobile games, film and other industries have been aware of the strong power of IP in attracting funds. In the process of IP adaptation, the mobile game industry has gathered more and more attention. In 2017, total revenue from IP-based mobile games on the Chinese mainland surpassed 70 billion yuan. Many mobile games adapted from animations and films are now favored by players. Similarly, derivatives with game elements have also become very popular.

How could IP that with many fans could transform into gaming elements? How high-quality gaming IP could open up the business industry chain to nurture animation, literature and film industries? This seminar will focus on the extensibility of IP content, and explore ways of running long-term IP businesses and maximising IP value in cross-media cooperation.

近年來,IP 早已成為一個熱詞,遊戲、影視等行業都已迅速意識到IP的強大吸金能力。在IP的改編進程中,延伸至移動遊戲產業的前景越來越受關注,其中2017年中國的IP改編移動遊戲收入已超700億元人民幣。移動遊戲市場競爭日益劇烈,很多由動漫、影視作品改編的移動遊戲受到了玩家的青睞,反之,結合遊戲元素的衍生品也為觀眾所稱讚。

擁有眾多粉絲擁躉的熱門IP,如何才能更好地植入到遊戲之中;而優質遊戲IP又能如何打通動漫、文學和電影全產業鏈,反哺周邊行業。本次研討會將聚焦于IP的內容延伸性,探索在跨界合作的過程中,如何才能長線經營,將IP 價值最大化。

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