Thomas Zhu


Digital Assets Think Tank at FinTech Centre of PolyU Faculty of Business and Hamsa APAC

Thomas Zhu, Head of Digital Assets Think Tank at FinTech Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University Faculty of Business and Hamsa APAC. He was a former Executive Director of Goldman Sachs' Securities Division and completed transactions for over a hundred companies during his career at Goldman Sachs in New York, Boston, and Hong Kong. He began managing a global long-short strategy hedge fund in 2020. In 2022, he started his Doctor in FinTech at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and founded the Digital Assets Think Tank, focusing on research on real world asset (RWA) tokenization and stablecoins. Thomas is currently working with Hamsa, a Silicon Valley asset tokenization unicorn company, to develop compliant STO products with large financial institutions in Hong Kong. He is also a founding member of the RWA working group with the Institute of Web 3.0 Hong Kong, and participating in the Singapore Exchange's framework design for RWA tokenization listing. Thomas is a strong advocate and contributor to the RWA regulatory policy development in Hong Kong and Singapore.